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Supporting Employees with Mental Health: Best Practices

Implementing Reasonable Adjustments

After an employee discloses a mental health issue:

  • Consider reasonable adjustments, such as flexible appointment times.
  • Offering support can encourage further disclosure and discussion.
  • Trust is crucial in building a supportive environment.
  • Understand your limitations and respect the employee's preferences for support.

Signposting to Support Groups

Guiding employees to appropriate support groups:

  • Knowledge of available support groups is beneficial.
  • Always refer to established support resources; avoid diagnosing.

Promoting a Supportive Workplace Culture

Creating an open and supportive workplace:

  • Establish activities and groups that promote mental well-being.
  • Provide options for healthy food and drink choices.
  • Encourage breaks away from desks to maintain well-being.
  • Promote transparency where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health.
  • Emphasize that it's acceptable to disclose mental health issues and talk about them.