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Effective Communication Techniques in Supportive Conversations

Encouraging Openness in Conversations

Creating a comfortable environment:

When starting a conversation, focus on making the other person feel at ease:

  • Show genuine interest and active listening.
  • Provide empathic support by understanding their perspective.
  • Ensure they feel heard and supported in sharing their concerns.
  • Set aside uninterrupted time for the conversation to maintain focus.

Understanding Empathic Support

Defining empathy:

Empathy means understanding someone else's feelings and experiences without fully immersing yourself in them:

  • Listen attentively and reflectively.
  • Acknowledge their emotions and provide supportive responses.
  • Offer assistance in a non-intrusive manner.
  • Respect their need for confidentiality and trust.

Avoiding Unhelpful Behaviours

Things to avoid when empathizing:

  • Being distracted or not fully attentive.
  • Allowing interruptions such as phone calls or knocks on the door.
  • Starting a conversation when you are preoccupied or under pressure.

Importance of Body Language

Using effective body language:

  • Maintain good eye contact and an open, relaxed posture.
  • Be mindful of your gestures and avoid fidgeting or looking away.
  • Observe the other person's body language and mirror it subtly.
  • Avoid defensive gestures like crossing arms or appearing distracted.