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Support Session with Susanna: Coping Strategies and Advice

Confidentiality and Support

Establishing Confidentiality

Hello, I'm Susanna. Everything you share with me today is confidential unless I believe there's a risk of harm to you or someone else.

Discussing Workplace Challenges

Exploring Work Issues

You've mentioned feeling down due to a new line manager who criticises your work. Let's talk about how this is affecting you.

Impact on Personal Life

Impact at Home

How has this situation been affecting you outside of work, especially at home?

Reflecting on Past Experiences

Previous Work Experience

You've faced similar challenges before. How did you handle them previously?

Strategies for Coping

Detaching from Work

Let's explore strategies to help you leave work-related stress at work and enjoy your time at home.

Seeking Support and Planning Ahead

Seeking Support and Planning Ahead

We can plan to involve HR and discuss strategies to address these issues effectively.

Continued Support and Review

Ongoing Support Plan

Let's set up regular sessions to monitor your progress and adjust our approach as needed.