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Bipolar Disorder: Understanding Manic Depression

Overview of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, involves extreme mood swings that can significantly impact daily life.

Manic Episodes

During manic episodes, individuals experience:

  • Heightened Energy: Feeling full of energy and capable of taking on challenges.
  • Elevated Mood: Exhibiting extreme happiness or elation.
  • Risk-taking Behaviour: Making impulsive decisions that may be risky or harmful.
  • Agitation: Being easily distracted or restless.

Depressive Episodes

During depressive episodes, individuals may experience:

  • Low Mood: Feeling sad, hopeless, or irritable.
  • Loss of Energy: Having a lack of enthusiasm and reduced energy levels.
  • Difficulty Concentrating: Struggling with focus and memory.
  • Psychological Symptoms: Such as guilt, despair, delusions, hallucinations, or suicidal thoughts.

Variability in Mood Episodes

People with bipolar disorder may have varying frequencies and intensities of manic and depressive episodes, sometimes interspersed with periods of normal mood.