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Understanding Anxiety: Symptoms, Effects, and Coping Strategies

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety Definition: Anxiety is a widespread condition that drives individuals to seek counselling or other forms of help.

Impact of Anxiety: It affects individuals in ways that may not be immediately apparent, often manifesting through various symptoms and behaviours.

Anxiety Symptoms

Panic Episodes: A significant symptom of anxiety, panic episodes can be distressing and include shortness of breath, disorientation, stomach issues, headaches, and emotional distress.

Environment Avoidance: After experiencing panic episodes in specific settings like shops or concerts, individuals may avoid those places altogether, restricting their daily life.

Physical Symptoms: Anxiety can cause physical manifestations such as headaches, stomach problems, and muscle tension leading to pain.

Effects of Anxiety

Sleep Disturbances: Anxiety can disrupt sleep patterns, causing oversleeping, insomnia, or waking up during the night with racing thoughts.

Medication and Coping: Some may resort to alcohol or drugs to manage anxiety, though this can lead to additional problems. Seeking help from a GP may involve medication and counselling.

Recognising Anxiety

Visible Signs: Anxiety can be noticeable through body language such as hand clasping, fidgeting, or avoiding eye contact, often observed by others.

Performance Anxiety: While a manageable level of anxiety can enhance performance, excessive anxiety that overwhelms normal functioning indicates a need for support.

Seeking Help: It's crucial to seek help when anxiety interferes significantly with daily life or causes excessive worry beyond the situation itself.